Tube Flies with Jon Ingham

A Michigan native, Jon has always had a healthy appetite for the outdoors. After moving to Jackson, WY in the mid 90’s to ski and live the mountain lifestyle, some of his first and best friends were fly fishing guides, who quickly weaned him from the spinning rod & into the deep, dark rabbit hole of fly fishing and tying flies.
Some of his favorite targets were fishing the local spring creeks for selective Cutthroat trout.
Everything changed with a fall trip to the fabled Barns Holes on the Madison river, where he learned the art of swinging flies for trophy sized brown trout where the learning curve was steep but very rewarding. The next transition that was truly life changing was learning how to cast a two handed rod and chasing Steelhead on the Salmon and Clearwater rivers in Idaho. It has become one his biggest passions.
After 7 years out west, the lure of family and the Mittenstate called him home, especially being able to live somewhere that one could swing flies for Steelhead many months of the year.
He now calls Williamsburg home with his wife Christy and 2 Griffs, Cassidy & Hamish, where bird hunting is just down the road.
Syn-truder (all synthetic intruder)
- Fusion Dub
- Steely Blue ice dub
- Black & blue craft fur
- Black holographic tinsel
- Hmh small & large tubing
- Pearl flashabou
- Cone
- Dubbing spinner
Baitfish Imitator
- Metal Tube Bodies
- Hare’e Ice Dub Natural (hare’s ear)
- Ice Dub Red (not UV!)
- Rabbit Strip zonker (match the river) Natural
- Copper Flashabou
- Dubbing spinner