Borcher's Drake Parachute Tutorial

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I'm still working my food coma off after yesterday's feast. 

I thought this week we would tie a fly that features turkey and I couldn't think of a better fly than the Borcher's Drake. This is a true staple in Northern Michigan fly boxes as it matches so many of our dark colored mayflies well. I recommend tying this up in sizes ten through sixteen. 


Material List

  • Hook: TMC 100 
  • Thread: 8/0 Brown or Black
  • Tail: Moose Body
  • Rib: XS Ultra Wire Copper
  • Body: Cinnamon Tip Turkey Feather
  • Parachute Post: Para Post or Poly Yarn
  • Hackle: Grizzly Saddle from Whiting 100 Pack
  • Thorax: Superfine Dubbing Brown