6/2/23 Fishing Report

June is off to a fantastic start as far as weather and bugs, but the big thing we, as responsible trout anglers, need to keep an eye on is water temperatures on our trout streams.  Northern Michigan could really benefit from some rain, an all day soaker would be great.  Things are dry, so no fires, and fish the cooler times of the day. So far evening temperatures have been within the safe range, but it has been in the upper 80’s and even low 90’s the past couple of days.  

This Saturday is our annual “Cheese Cup” Warmwater Fly Fiishing Tournament to raise funds for the Suicide Prevention and Awareness Programs through Child and Family Services.  Our staff has been working hard to host a super fun event, so join us this Saturday.  We will have door prizes and silent auction items with all proceeds going to CFS.

The Upper Manistee is low and clear, but the evenings are seeing good action on mahoganies with spinners just before dark.  Caddis, a few remaining sulphurs and the start of brown drakes and isonychias are definitely on the horizon.  Fishing has been decent throughout the entire upper portion of the flies only section and below CCC there have been a good reappearance of our mayflies that we were missing with last year's didymo bloom. Still take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread, but the algae mats that were covering the gravel runs last year have dissipated, which is fantastic for anglers!  Be ready to fish into the evening for best results.  Rusty spinners, borchers, hackle stackers have been working well for mahogany imitations.  Keep drake patterns close at hand for the brown drakes and isos!

Lower Manistee is fishing well for smallmouth with the occasional pike sighting.  Poppers are garnering some attention in the early mornings and streamers of all sizes and shapes have been producing some really nice fish in the past week.  Look for this trend to continue as water temperatures increase.

The Boardman temps remain great!  It has made such a dramatic difference with the removal of Brown Bridge Dam in regards to the water temperatures and we love to see the cold, clean water of the Boardman producing some really nice trout this spring.  Caddis and stones have been popping on the Boardman, but most success is coming from small streamers, nymphs and soft hackles.  Soon it will be time to start twitching rubber legged bugs on the surface to get the attention of a wild brookie!

Area lakes are primed for the bluegills moving into the shallows and fooling bass on poppers.  Bass and bluegill are fun and spunky!  No great reports on carp on the bay, but that should be cranking up soon with the water temps in the 60’s.  All of the bass boats are congregated along the shore of East Bay, so the bass must be hitting the beds in those early spawning areas.  The water levels are down, so it is much easier to wade the flats this year. 

Get out and fish! The next four weeks are what most trout anglers dream of all winter with trout rising to dry flies, big bugs bringing the big fish out at dark.  Chasing lake species during the morning and day!